1st Edition 2015 – Roma

"The Bridge" Roma - First edition, 2015

The American Winners 2015 Edition - 19 October Roma

The American Winners with the former US Ambassador in Italy John Phillips, Former Director of AIFIC Maria Gliozzi and Director of Casa delle Letterature Maria Ida Gaeta

The Bridge Prize at the American Embassy in Rome

The Bridge Prize at the American Embassy in Rome

Award Ceremony in Rome - The Bridge

Award Ceremony in Rome

Maria Ida Gaeta Director of Casa delle Letterature - The Bridge

Maria Ida Gaeta Director of Casa delle Letterature

The Book Award the Bridge - American Winners in Rome

The Book Award the Bridge - American Winners in Rome

Laird Hunt - American Winner for Fiction and Amb. John Phillips

Laird Hunt - American Winner for Fiction and Amb. John Phillips

Laird Hunt, Maria Ida Gaeta and Amb. John Phillips

Laird Hunt - American Winner for Fiction and Amb. John Phillips

Robert P. Harrison , winner for the Non Fiction category

Robert P. Harrison, winner for the Non Fiction category