6th Edition, 2021

Fiction italian winner

Emanuele Trevi

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Emanuele Trevi describes the two lives of Rocco Carbone and Pia Pera, writers and intellectuals who died prematurely some time ago and linked, during their short existence, by deep friendship. This book is the way to keep them close. Trevi narrates their personalities and their relationship with writing, defeats and euphorias, quarrels and unforgettable gestures. The author outlines the different natures, redesigns the traits, also shows the different behaviors. However, the style of uniqueness of this book reveals one of those ineffable events around which literature revolves: friendship. Due Vite (Neri Pozza) is a book capable of transforming intimacy and melancholy into literature, making them universal and bringing them closer to everyone's lives.
Emanuele Trevi / Read Bio
Non fiction italian winner

Elisabetta Rasy

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Becoming from different background, from wealthy families or from emigrants, loved or lonely, admired or marginalized, the five women protagonists of this book all have a revolutionary desire: to investigate reality with their own feminine gaze, used to grasping unknown, intimate or neglected aspects of life, cultivating a daring art of indiscretion which is the exact opposite of indifference. They are five great photographers, different in character and destiny, but equally animated by the desire to change the image of the world. By finding beauty and pain where they had never been seen, whether it be love, politics, sex, poverty, war or body, the five women Tina Modotti, Dorothea Lange, Lee Miller, Diane Arbus and Francesca Woodman have little in common, due to their origin and personal history, but they share the same desire to tell the reality through photographic lens, tailored to their experience as women and what they have known, discovered and loved. With an intense and participatory writing, Elisabetta Rasy pursues the life and work of these five extraordinary women, animated by an unstoppable aspiration to freedom. Thanks to the Prize the book has been translated in English by Sian Gibby and published in the United States by Bordighera Press.
Elisabetta Rasy / Read Bio
Fiction American Winner

Danielle Evans

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The Office of Historical Corrections (Riverhead Books) is a collection consisting of six short tales and one short story (which gives the title to the book) in which the author, with very personal writing and special intuition, reflects and analyzes issues concerning race, sense of loss and loneliness in America. Danielle Evans is widely acclaimed for her extraordinarily intelligent voice and her ability to fathom complex human relationships. In The Office of Historical Corrections, Evans focuses on particular moments and connections in his black and multiracial characters’ lives, who are experiencing the universal conflict between desire and love, or being engulfed in grief—all while exploring how history persecutes them, personally or collectively. Danielle Evans is a writer able to provoke us by forcing our thinking about the truths of American history, about how to tell them and the cost of setting the record straight. Thanks to the Prize the book has been translated in Italian by Assunta Martinese and will be published in Italy by Minimum Fax.
Danielle Evans / Read Bio
Non Fiction American Winner

Patricia Gaborik

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Benito Mussolini has persistently been described as an 'actor' – and also as a master of illusions. In her vividly narrated account of the Italian dictator's relationship with theatre, Patricia Gaborik discards any metaphorical notions of Il Duce as a performer, and instead tells the story of his life as literal spectator, critic, impresario, dramatist and censor of the stage. Discussing the ways in which the autarch's personal tastes and convictions shaped the theatrical programming in fascist Italy, Gaborik explores Mussolini's most significant dramatic influences, his association with important figures such as Luigi Pirandello, Gabriele D'Annunzio and George Bernard Shaw, his oversight and theatrical censorship, and his interfering with playwriting. By focusing on Mussolini’s maneuvers in theatre, and manipulation of theatrical ideas, this consistently illuminating book transforms our understandings of Fascism as a whole. Thanks to the Prize the book has been translated in Italian by Paolo Lucca and will be published in Italy by Garzanti.
Patricia Gaborik / Read Bio
The 20 Candidates

The 20 Candidates

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Italian Fiction

  • EMANUELE TREVI , Due Vite - Neri Pozza
  • ANDREA BARZINI , Il fratello minore. Il mistero di Ettore Barzini, ucciso a Mauthausen - Solferino Editore
  • ALICE URCIUOLO , Adorazione - 66thand2nd
  • GAIA MANZINI , Nessuna parola dice di noi - Bompiani
  • CARMEN TOTARO , Un bacio dietro al ginocchio - Einaudi
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Italian Non Fiction

  • GREGORIO BOTTA , Il gesto e il respiro. Pollock vs Rothko - Einaudi Stile Libero
  • ELISABETTA RASY , Le indiscrete - Mondadori
  • EZIO PUGLIA , Il lato oscuro delle cose - Mucchi Editore
  • LEONARDO COLOMBATI , Scrivere per dire sì al mondo. Quello che i grandi autori ci insegnano sull’arte e sulla vita - Mondadori
  • AURELIO MUSI , Storia della solitudine. Da Aristotele ai social network - Neri Pozza
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American Fiction

  • PETER SELGIN , Duplicity - Serving House Books
  • DANIELLE EVANS , The Office of Historical Corrections: A Novella and Stories - Riverhead Books
  • DEESHA PHILYAW , The Secret Lives of Church Ladies - West Virginia University Press
  • NATALIE BAKOPOULOS , Scorpionfish - Tin House Books
  • Salar Abdoh , Out of Mesopotamia - Akashic Books
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American Non Fiction

  • GUY P. RAFFA , Dante’s bones: how a poet invented Italy - Belknap Press
  • MEREDITH F. SMALL , Inventing the world: Venice and the transformation of Western civilization - Pegasus Books
  • FRANCESCA FIORANI , The Shadow Drawing: How Science Taught Leonardo How to Paint, Farrar - Straus and Giroux
  • CHARLES LEAVITT IV , The Italian Neorealism: A Cultural History - Toronto University Press
  • PATRICIA GABORIK , Mussolini’s Theatre Fascist Experiments in Art and Politics - Cambridge University