Massimo Castoldi


Massimo Castoldi

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Massimo Castoldi teaches Italian Philology at the University of Pavia. He is expert in Poetry of the Sixteenth century, in Manzoni, and in particular in Giovanni Pascoli’s work, of whom he edited the critical edition of the essays on Leopardi (Agorà edizioni, 1999), the commented edition of the Canzoni di re Enzio (Patron 2005) and other monographic volumes. Castoldi is member of the Commission for the National Edition of the works of Giovanni Pascoli.
In the last ten years, the experience gained in the philological field has directed him to work on the critique of historical sources, combining philology and history, and dealing with the memorials of the Resistance and deportations. He collaborates in the research and teaching activities of the Memory of Deportation Foundation. Among other things, he edited for Donzelli Insegnare libertà. Storie di maestri antifascisti (2018), which led him to the The Bridge / Il ponte award for Italian non-fiction, and the very recent Piazzale Loreto. Milano, l’eccidio e il “contrappasso” (2020).