Born in Modena in 1947, Walter Siti is an Italian critic, scholar, essayist, professor. For many years he has taught contemporary literature at the Universities of Pisa, Cosenza, and L'Aquila. As literary critic, Siti has devoted his career to 20th-century Italian Poetry and Literary Theory; he edited the ten volumes of the entire Pier Paolo Pasolini’s literary production for the series Meridiani of Mondadori.
Walter Siti's literary work is very rich and intense. His first novel (Scuola di nudo) dates back to 1994; then followed Un dolore normale (Einaudi, 1999) and Troppi paradisi (Einaudi, 2006), forming a homogeneous trilogy of auto fiction. He then published Il contagio (2008) and Autopsia dell'ossessione (2010). Among his production there is also a volume of stories (La magnifica merce, 2004) dedicated to the fascination of male bodies. After the travel book on the United Arab Emirates, Il canto del Diavolo (2009), Siti has written Resistere non serve a niente (Rizzoli, 2013), Exit strategy (2014), Bruciare tutto (Rizzoli, 2017), the long story Bontàe (2018) and La natura è innocente (2020). Walter Siti has also published a small study on Fiction Theory entitled Il realismo è l’impossibile (2013); a biographical-economic pamphlet (Pagare o non pagare, 2018) and the argumentative book of militant criticism Contro l’impegno (2021) candidate at The Bridge Book Award 2022. In 2022 he has collected his fifty years of studies on Pier Paolo Pasolini in the volume Quindici riprese. For three years, from 2010 to 2013, he edited a television critic column for the newspaper "La Stampa" in Turin. Throughout the year 2014 he wrote comments on lyrics from all times and countries for the Sunday edition of “La Repubblica" (which later has become a book entitled La Voce Verticale, 2015). Currently, Siti collaborates with the newspaper “Domani”. With his book Contro L’impegno - Riflessioni sul Bene in letteratura, Walter Siti wins the Bridge Book Award 2022 for the Non Fiction category.