7th Edition, 2022

Fiction Italian Winner

Chiara Valerio

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A love story that crosses time and flows through the veins of the most famous vampire Dracula, a story to tell the difference between eternity and immortality. Dracula and Mina Harker loved each other madly. At the end of the 19th century he risks his life for her and flees to the West, while Mina manages to avoid death. What happens over the course of one hundred and fifty years to these two vampires who loved and finally hated each other? Dracula becomes Giacomo Koch and decides to consecrate his existence to exalt the strength of human beings, becoming a pathologist in an hospital in Rome. Mina however, who lives in Venice, needs revenge and in particular vengeance on Dracula. The story of Cosi Per Sempre unfolds between Venice and Rome and Chiara Valerio combines legend and contemporaneity to tell an infinite love story.
Chiara Valerio/ Read Bio
Non Fiction Italian Winner

Walter Siti

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CONTRO L’IMPEGNO - Riflessioni sul Bene in letteratura, RIZZOLI

In this militant and concerned pamphlet Walter Siti analyzes some successful contemporary authors and texts to defend literature from the risk of abdicating what makes it most precious: doubt, ambivalence, contradiction. Literature is often associated with the idea that it should promote good, heal people and repair the world. However, literature is a contrarian that always blows from the wrong side: the more someone tries to bend it to own will, and use it to "convey a message", the more it escapes by bringing to the surface what not even the author knows.
Walter Siti/ Read Bio
Fiction American Winner

Sara Freeman

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TIDES, Grove Atlantic

A compelling, compact novel about a woman who walks out of her life and washes up in an out-of-season seaside town. After a sudden, devastating loss, Mara flees her family and ends up adrift in a wealthy coastal town. Mired in her grief, Mara's first few days are spent alone, surviving on what scraps of food she can find, and swimming at night in the ocean. When her money runs out and the tourist season comes to a close, Mara finds a job in a local wine store and meets its owner, Simon, a man whose loneliness she immediately recognizes as a mirror to her own. As Mara dances around her growing attraction to Simon, she is forced to reckon with both her present desires and her past errors, and with the compulsion she feels to both make and unmake herself. Tides is a spare, visceral portrait of a woman nearly pulled under by loss and desire. It is an unforgettable introduction to a debut writer of uncommon literary power.
Sara Freeman/ Read Bio
Non Fiction American Winner

Hendrik W. Dey

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THE MAKING OF MEDIEVAL ROME: the making of medieval Rome. a new profile of the city, 400 – 1420 - Cambridge University Press

Integrating the written sources with Rome's surviving remains and, most importantly, with the results of the past half-century's worth of medieval archaeology in the city, The Making of Medieval Rome is the first in-depth profile of Rome's transformation over a millennium to appear in any language in over forty years. Though the main focus rests on Rome's urban trajectory in topographical, architectural, and archaeological terms, Hendrik folds aspects of ecclesiastical, political, social, military, economic, and intellectual history into the narrative in order to illustrate how and why the cityscape evolved as it did during the thousand years between the end of the Roman Empire and the start of the Renaissance. A wide-ranging synthesis of decades' worth of specialized research and remarkable archaeological discoveries, this book is essential reading for anyone interested in how and why the ancient imperial capital transformed into the spiritual heart of Western Christendom.
Hendrik W. Dey/ Read Bio
2022 Edition

The 20 candidates

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Italian Fiction

  • JONATHAN BAZZI, Corpi Minori - Mondadori
  • VERONICA GALLETTA , Nina sull’argine - Minimum Fax
  • VINCENZO LATRONICO , Le Perfezioni - Bompiani
  • CLAUDIO PIERSANTI , Quel maledetto Vronskij - Rizzoli
  • CHIARA VALERIO , Così per sempre - Einaudi
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Italian Non Fiction

  • ANTONELLA ANEDDA, Le Piante di Darwin e i Topi di Leopardi - Interlinea
  • AMEDEO DE VINCENTIIS , l’Ytalia di Dante e dei fiorentini scellerati. Un caso di comunicazione politica nel Trecento - Viella
  • GIORGIO MANACORDA , Pier Paolo poeta. Le poesie di Pasolini - Castelvecchi editore
  • WALTER SITI , Contro l’impegno. Riflessioni sul Bene in letteratura - Rizzoli
  • PABLO TRINCIA , Romanzo di un Naufragio - Einaudi Stile Libero
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American Fiction

  • SARA FREEMAN, Tides - Grove Atlantic
  • FRANCESCA MOMPLAISI , The Garden of Broken Things: A novel - Knopf
  • CARLEY MOORE , Panpocalypse - Amethyst Editions (Feminist Press)
  • TAMARA SHOPSIN , Laserwriter II - McMillan
  • ANTOINE WILSON , Mouth To Mouth- Avid Reader Press (Simon & Schuster)
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American Non Fiction

  • JOHN CHRISTOPOULOS, Abortion in Early Modern Italy - Harvard University Press
  • CHLOE’ COOPER JONES , Easy Beauty: A Memoir - Avid Reader Press (Simon & Schuster)
  • HENDRIK DEY , The Making of Medieval Rome. A New Profile of the City, 400 – 1420 - Cambridge University Press
  • MELISSA ESSE , Singing Sappho Improvisation and Authority in Nineteenth-Century Italian Opera - University of Chicago Press
  • DIANA GARVIN , Feeding Fascism: The Politics of Women’s Food Work - University of Toronto Press